It was a bitterly cold morning with the temperature hovering just above freezing and the sun was just beginning to creep above the horizon. On the courtyard steps in Ybor City, I sweet-talked poor Kay into reading a magazine (legs ajar of course), while I found a low-level viewing point for my camera. It was my first time ever meeting Kay and it was her first time ever posing for anything even slightly erotic.
Add in the fact that she is a deeply religious conservative and I a flaming liberal, and neither one of us really knew what to expect. Of all the shoots that I did on this project, it was the only one where I allowed my model to keep her coat on throughout. It was not part of the chosen wardrobe, but with the cold so severe that my fingers were misfiring on the shutter, how could I even consider reducing her to just a dress?
"I just want to step out of my comfort zone for a little while"